Leonardo DiCaprio will be seen in new role that would definitely gift him a Oscar and if anyone could not help him in achieve him and its Martian Scorsese.
The dynamic director was immensely involved in few of Leo’s classic films, including Wolf of Wall Street, Gangs of New York, Shutter Island and The Departed and he has now cast 40-year-old in a film more than likely going to test him.
Leonardo will be taking the form of H.H. Holmes, known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes, who will be documented as one of the foremost serial killers in the modern sense term.
Holmes initially admitted for killing 27 women in the time surrounding the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago, whereas it widely believed that he murdered over 200 victims in total.
There is plenty of material on Holmes, who was also the chilling subject of Erik Larson’s bestselling 2003 book ‘The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic And Madness At The Fair That Changed America.’
It’s going to be an incredible composite role to take on and accurately portray, but if anyone is ready for the task, DiCaprio is. And we think he will revel in it.
We’ll leave you with one H.H. Holmes quote that could one day in the future, be one of Leonardo’s most iconic: “Yes I was born with the devil in me. I was born with the evil standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since.”