Hyderabad: Telugu cinema superstar Chiranjeevi was deeply moved by the unique way a fan expressed his admiration and decided to honor the gesture personally. On the occasion of his birthday, celebrated on August 22nd, a devoted fan named Eshwariah made a pilgrimage from Tirupati to Tirumala Hill to show his love for the actor. Upon learning of this, Chiranjeevi invited Eshwariah and his family to his residence in Hyderabad, where he warmly welcomed them and honored Eshwariah with silk clothes.
During the meeting, Chiranjeevi expressed his gratitude and promised to always stand by Eshwariah’s family. This isn’t the first time Eshwariah has shown his devotion; he previously completed a cycle trip from Tirupati to Chiranjeevi’s house and has been an active supporter of Pawan Kalyan, Chiranjeevi’s brother, and the JanaSena Party.
In addition to his personal interactions, Chiranjeevi remains committed to promoting talent in the film industry. He recently praised the team of “Maruti Nagar Subramaniam,” a film starring Rao Ramesh. Currently, Chiranjeevi is busy with his upcoming film “Vishwambhara,” directed by Vashishtha, set to release on January 10 next year.