On Monday night, Gyaneshwar Ganore’s son slit his mother’s throat and left a disturbing message in her blood. The message read, ‘Tired of her. Catch me. Hang me.’ The boy was the prime suspect as he went missing since the murder.
The Jodhpur police arrested Siddhant, the accused on Thursday. 20 year old Siddhant cofessed to murdering his mother Dipali after having a heated argument with her over his progess report. The son spoke to the media and without a sound of guilt he said, “There were a lot of problems in the family. She had started fighting a lot lately. I too, was getting stressed. On Tuesday, my stress went out of control.”
New information surfaced that the boy even drew a smiling emoji in his mother blood. His confession was recorded and made rounds on social media thereafter. Siddhant told the police that he made his way to Jodhpur via Surat on Wednesday afternoon. He checked into a hotel near the railway station and stayed in the room. He used the hotel WiFi to log into his email which helped the police to track him down and alert the local police station.
The State House Officer Madan Beniwal reported, “We knocked on the door of his hotel room and, when he opened the door, demanded to see his ID card. After verifying his identity, we asked him to come along. He collected all his belongings and accompanied us without a word.”
The boy claims to have gotten mad at his mother for insisting to come to his college and attacked her with a kitchen knife. The police also reported, “He claims he tried to slit his wrist after murdering his mother but could not. He bathed, packed some clothes, collected money and left for the railway station. He took a train to Surat and, later, to Jodhpur,”
Siddhant was adamant to not let his mother go to his college. The boy was slacking and rarely attended college. The college administration had sent multiple notices but Siddhant managed to hide them all from his parents. The police are astonished by the lack of regret in Siddhant’s behaviour.