Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister Revant Reddy has announced a series of initiatives aimed at addressing unemployment and boosting civil services success in the state. Speaking at a program in Hyderabad, Reddy highlighted the government’s commitment to solving the unemployment problem permanently. Within 90 days of the new government’s formation, 30,000 people have received job appointment documents, with another 35,000 positions expected to be filled soon.
In a significant move, the state government has introduced the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Civils Abhayahastam’ scheme, providing financial assistance of Rs. 1 lakh to Telangana candidates who have cleared the UPSC preliminary examination and are preparing for the mains. During the event, the Chief Minister handed over checks to 135 candidates, expressing his hopes that more civil servants will emerge from the state to enhance its prestige. Additional financial support of Rs. 1 lakh will be granted to those who pass the mains and are selected for the interview.
Reddy also announced plans to address the skills gap in education by training 2,000 people this academic year through Young India University, with a goal to train 20,000 individuals next year. Further, the state will establish Young India Sports University and residential schools in 100 constituencies, aiming to boost Telangana’s presence in the 2028 Olympics. New vice chancellors will be appointed within 10 to 15 days.
The Rajiv Gandhi Civils Abhayahastam Scheme is funded by Singareni Collieries, a public sector undertaking. Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka, Government Chief Secretary Shantikumari, and Singareni CMD Balaram also attended the event.