Relationships last longer in the Couples who drink together

It is more common belief that alcohol is the destroyer of relationships, but guess what? its not. As it turns out, it helps the couple in more intimacy in some aspects.

In its recent research publication, University of Buffalo’s website quoted the above. The research was lead by Dr. Gregory Homish. He said that their research highlights the behavior and satisfaction of couples after observing them for a decade.

He said that the decade long research concluded that couples with similar vices such as alcohol and cigarettes are likely to be more content with their relationship.

Relationships last longer in the Couples who drink together
Relationships last longer in the Couples who drink together

According to the report, the samples sets of 600 couples had been taken for the research. All the couple then were asked to fill out questionnaires before their wedding. The questionnaires included their habits and daily activities. The same were inquired about their relationships after 10 years.The findings claim that couples with different habits were more dissatisfied compared to the ones with similar habits.

The researchers are also added that this does not imply that a heavy-drinking marriage is healthy. They said that the divorce rate for the couples who drink separately was around 30%, which was the same for couples where both partners drink too much. The research shows that alcohol will spice up your relation provided taken in limited quantities.