Mr. Botsa Satyanarayana, the Education Minister of Andhra Pradesh, released the results of the intermediate examination. The results were declared officially on the 26th of April, Wednesday evening and later was published on the official website of the AP Intermediate Education Board.
This is the first time that the Education Department released the results of the 2023 Intermediate exams in just 22 days. In Andhra Pradesh, the examinations for the inter first and second years were conducted from the 15th of March to the 4th of April. Approximately, 4,84,197 students appeared for the Intermediate first year and 5,19,793 students appeared for the second year examinations.
To Check their results, one need to click on, then enter your hall ticket number and click on submit. Now, your mark sheet will open and you could download your list from there.
Meanwhile, if any student is disappointed with the marks, they could apply for a re verification and recounting of papers, which is scheduled to start from the 27th of April.
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