First Climate Vulnerability Index Released In India, Assam And Andhra Pradesh Are Top In List

Andhra Pradesh among 5 states most vulnerable to climate, Assam And Andhra Pradesh Are Top In List, Climate Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Vulnerability Index, Climate Vulnerability Index Released In India, Council on Energy Environment and Water, First Climate Vulnerability Index Released In India, First Climate Vulnerability Index Released In India Assam And Andhra Pradesh Are Top In List, Mango News, most vulnerable to extreme climate events, New climate vulnerability index finds Assam and Andhra, vulnerable climate situations

Assam and Andhra Pradesh were declared as one of the most vulnerable states toward extreme climate related natural calamities.

On the 26th of October, Tuesday, the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW,) released a list of states with vulnerable climate situations. The index list started with Assam, followed by Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Bihar. These stages are most vulnerable to extreme climate events such as floods, droughts, and cyclones in India.

In 2021, for the first time, such a Climate Vulnerability Index list was released. As per the list, 90 % of the Indian region, which includes 27 Indian states and Union Territories (UTs) were included in the list, which are exposed to climate vulnerable situations. However, the aforementioned states are on top, where climate related situations could affect the economic, lifestyle and normality of their people.

Mr. Abinash Mohanty, the Programme Lead at the CEEW and author of the study Climate Vulnerability Index, said: “The frequency and intensity of extreme climate events in India have increased by almost 200 per cent since 2005. Our policymakers, industry leaders and citizens must use the district-level analysis to make effective risk-informed decisions.”

Getting into the details, a total of 463 out of 640 districts in India, with a population of 80 % of the total population of India, are vulnerable to extreme floods, droughts and cyclones. In addition, more than 45 % of these districts have undergone unsustainable landscape and infrastructure changes.

City wise, Dhemaji and Nagaon in Assam, Khammam in Telangana, Gajapati in Odisha, Vizianagaram in Andhra Pradesh, Sangli in Maharashtra and Chennai in Tamil Nadu are among India’s most climate vulnerable districts. The unique study is said to be an important documentation of the situation of Indian states and districts during climate related disasters. It would also help the concerned governments and authorities to work towards these loopholes and construct a sustainable infrastructure to fight the vulnerability of these regions when climate related calamities hit the states/UTs.

In addition, the study would also enhance the position of India with a clarity about their landscape and situation during the upcoming climate change conference – COP26. The conference is scheduled to be held in the United Kingdom (U.K.,) starting from the 31st of October.

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