Mumbai: Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone on Thursday launched the foundation of ‘The Live Love Laugh’ to improve the mental health of people, who are battling depression. The actress feels that depression is a major health issue in the country and it needs to be addressed.
The actress launched the logo of her not-for-profit organisation, ‘The Live Love Laugh’ Foundation.
Deepika in a statement said that the fight against depression is a cause and a close to my heart. The leggy lass added that after experiencing the depression in the recent past, she recognised how difficult it is to recognise the problem, find information and get the right kind of professional help.
Deepika said, “I was fortunate to get the kind of support and through this platform I hope others get the same kind of help. My team and I are working hard to set up the foundation and the logo launch is a small step in that direction.”
After fighting the depression, she mustered courage and opened up about it. She decided to set up an organisation, which helps people affected by mental health issues. Finally, the actress launched the logo of it.