Hyderabad: Akash Puri Jagannadh, son of renowned director Puri Jagannath, has addressed fans and critics in a recent social media video, providing an update on his career. Akash, who has been away from the limelight for some time, explained his meticulous approach to selecting new projects and reassured fans of his upcoming work.
In the video, Akash acknowledged the questions and concerns from fans about his absence from the film industry. He mentioned that while it may seem like he has been inactive, he has been very selective about the stories he chooses. Akash revealed that he has finally chosen an excellent director for his next project, which he plans to announce on Monday. He urged his supporters to continue their encouragement as he embarks on this new venture.
Previously known as Akash Puri, he has recently changed his name to Akash Jagannadh. His last film, Chor Bazar, was released in 2022. Akash, who gained recognition as a child actor in films like Cheeruta, Bujjigadu, and Ek Niranjan, is now set to make a comeback as the hero in the upcoming film Andhra Pori.