Hyderabad: As Nandamuri Balakrishna nears the milestone of 50 years in the film industry, renowned screenwriter Paruchuri Gopalakrishna reflected on the actor’s enduring success. Balakrishna, who debuted with Tathamma Kaal, has consistently maintained his reputation, a feat shared by legends like NTR, Chiranjeevi, and Rajinikanth.
Gopalakrishna, who, along with his brother Paruchuri Venkateswara Rao, has written scripts for over 30 of Balakrishna’s films, expressed his pride in being part of the actor’s remarkable journey. “It’s a privilege to have worked on so many of Balayya Babu’s films. We’ve seen him rise from early successes like Anasuyamma Gari Alludu and Kathanayakudu to becoming an iconic faction hero with Samarasimha Reddy,” he said.
He acknowledged the challenges Balakrishna faced, particularly with films like Seema Simham, but praised his resilience and ability to adapt to changing times. Gopalakrishna emphasized that Balakrishna’s careful selection of roles has kept him relevant over the decades.
Looking ahead, Gopalakrishna expressed hope that Balakrishna’s career would continue to thrive, saying, “Balayya Babu’s journey is not just about 50 years; it’s about continuing to entertain for decades to come.”