Vijayawada: Andhra Pradesh Home Minister Anita revealed that cyber crimes totaling Rs. 1,730 crore have been committed across India within the past four months. Speaking at a walkathon in Vijayawada aimed at raising awareness about cyber crimes, she launched a new app designed to educate the public and facilitate complaints about 16 different types of cyber fraud.
Minister Anita noted that cyber crimes have surged by 24% nationwide, largely due to personal information shared on social media and various apps. She warned that many people are falling victim to low-quality apps, honeytraps, and other online scams, sometimes with devastating consequences. To combat this growing threat, she pledged to establish a state-level cyber coordination team and ordered the cyber cell to operate actively in every district.
Vijayawada Commissioner of Police (CP) Rajasekhar Babu added that the city receives 5 to 6 cyber crime complaints daily, affecting students, doctors, and IAS officers. He urged victims to report incidents immediately by calling 1930, which is connected to a national cybercrime portal linked with 98 banks to halt fraudulent transactions. CP Babu also encouraged public participation in the cyber fraud awareness campaign.