Decreasing Flood Flow at Srisailam Reservoir: A Spectacle for Visitors

Decreasing Flood Flow At Srisailam Reservoir A Spectacle For Visitors ,Srisailam Reservoir A Spectacle For Visitors,Decreasing Flood Flow ,Decreasing Flood Flow At Srisailam,Flood Flow At Srisailam Reservoir, Srisailam Reservoir A Spectacle For Visitors,Srisailam Reservoir,Flood, Flood Flow, Hydropower Generation, Nagarjuna Sagar, Srisailam Reservoir, Sunnipenta Circle, Traffic Congestion, Visitor Attraction, Water Release, Political News, Mango News,
Srisailam Reservoir, Flood Flow, Water Release, Hydropower Generation, Nagarjuna Sagar, Visitor Attraction, Traffic Congestion, Sunnipenta Circle

Sunnipenta: The flood flow from the upper reaches of the Srisailam reservoir is decreasing, providing a dramatic spectacle for visitors. Currently, water is being released downstream through 8 gates, with an inflow of 2,91,003 cusecs from the Jurala and Sunkesula reservoirs.

The 8 gates of the Srisailam reservoir have been raised by 10 feet, allowing for the release of 2,22,768 cusecs of water. Simultaneously, 60,232 cusecs of water are being released from Nagarjuna Sagar, while electricity is being generated at the Srisailam right and left bank hydropower stations. On Wednesday afternoon, the water level of the Srisailam reservoir was recorded at 884.50 feet, with a storage capacity of 212.9198 TMC.

The dramatic release of water has drawn numerous visitors and pilgrims, who are capturing the event on their cameras. This surge in spectators has led to significant traffic congestion on the roads around the reservoir.