Ramagundam: Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka announced a significant development for Peddapalli district, revealing plans to establish an 800 MW power plant in Ramagundam. The decision follows discussions with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and a visit to the B Powerhouse in Ramagundam.
Vikramarka assured that a positive decision on the power project would be finalized shortly. He emphasized that Singareni Genco would play a key role in advancing the project, which will be pursued in line with local expectations and requirements. The process for initiating the project includes calling for tenders and expediting land acquisition proposals.
The Deputy CM highlighted the area’s historical contribution to energy and irrigation, noting its significance over the past 50 years. He also acknowledged the need for expanding power projects as raised by local leaders, including MLA Raj Thakur and Joint District Ministers Sridhara Babu and Ponnam Prabhakar.
In addition to the power plant, Vikramarka addressed ongoing issues, stating that an accident insurance facility of ₹1 crore will be provided to unemployed youth. He also committed to resolving pending problems related to the Ellampally IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons).