Can Coffee Save Your Life?

Can Coffee Save Your Life?,Mango News,Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee,Drinking coffee is good for your health,Three cups of coffee a day may actually be good for your health,3 Cups Of Coffee A Day Can Extend Your Life,Drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day may have health benefits

A new study published in the British Medical Journal states people who drink three to four cups of coffee a day get health benefits. The study shows coffee junkies have lower risks of being affected by heart diseases.

A team of researchers analyzed more than 200 previously done studies to show some significant findings. It also reveals coffee consumption lowers the risk of diabetes, dementia, liver disease and certain types of cancer.

A Public Health Specialist Robin Poole from Britain’s University of Southampton led the research team. The team conducted an umbrella review of 17 clinical based trails and 201 observational research studies on coffee from all across the world.

But the researchers excluded pregnant women and those with higher risks of getting fractures from benefitting with coffee. The review is mainly based on observational data and no firm conclusion can be drawn. These findings are still reliable and can lead to more clinical trials to prove the research.