Microsoft’s Subtle Take On Google, Redirects To Bing


Well, just when people started understanding about Google’s new parent company named ‘Alphabet’, it has started attracting criticism from tech bullies. It comes as a no surprise that the website was blocked just a day after its launch in China, considering its long rivalry with the country.

Now, after China, it is the different domains with a likely reference to Alphabet that’s making rounds in the tech circles. Alphabet Company’s official web address is ‘’. However, with a slight change in that URL, it will take you to Google’s rival Microsoft’s Bing homepage.

When you type ‘’, the internet is redirecting to Bing’s homepage. Though Microsoft has denied allegations of its involvement in this act, the record at Whois tell a different story. According to Whois, the IP servers of the domain are registered from Redmond based company. It is also a possibility that any of the Microsoft employee could have done it, without the consent of the company.

Google is yet to comment on this, but as always, it wouldn’t take this thing too seriously, as it has currently got more important works to deal with. With Sundar Pichai taking charge as the new CEO of the company, and Larry Page heading the parent company Alphabet, things seems to be going at a quick pace back there.