Now, this is the Problem… We expect… Even when not asked to Expect, We expect… It’s a simple fact, Your Expectations do not match with mine… Result? There is a dissatisfaction, questioning on My ability, because I am not up to Your Expectations… Be it life or a Movie… The Director, Story line, Hero, Production Cost, Any or Every aspect like this, will make You Expect a LOT about that Movie… Finally, Movies completes the shoot, under goes all the Post Production and Pre – release Promotions Epic and releases…
You watch it and now, Disappointed… Not because the Movie is Bad… It is not up to YOUR Expectations… This Gives One Solution… The Director should Know YOUR Expectations… OUR Expectations…
More than 3 Years of Effort… Each and every Frame that appeared in the film, required Ample amount of TIME, MONEY and HARD WORK… But, we are ONLY Concerned about the Movie, NOT matching OUR Expectations…
It’s OK if we Copy the LOOK or LIFESTYLE of One who inspire US… But, if Some sequences are made, Inspired from and BIG OTHER LANGUAGE FILM, then we are Offended… Hurt because the Sequence is copied…
WHY we should not React? We have invested OUR PRECIOUS TIME and MONEY, to watch the Film… WE Will analyse each and every SHOT for that matter…
If we are so very Analytical and Enthusiastic, WHY Don’t WE make a SHOT at least??? Why Should WE? It’s NOT Our Job… Then how can we comment on a WORK Done by a MAN who is born to do that Job? Just because OUR Expectations are NOT Matched to the Movie…
An Extra Ordinary Attempt, by the Team of Guts, looked UP by Entire World, criticised by SOME, because THEY EXPECTED something, got to WATCH Something…
YOU are Matured Enough to Question Yourself, before Discussing what so ever Negative Points about the Movie in a Group… Question YOURSELF on Why do Expect on any MOVIE, rather than Enjoy Watching and Appreciating the EFFORT BEHIND IT?