Baahubali: First Day First Show disappoint Fans

Baahubali is now the burning sensation Nation wide. The title has been trending in the internet since the day of Trailer release. The scope and magnanimity of the project increased the expectations on the movie.

Long queues were seen everywhere all over the country at the ticket counters, but unfortunately for them the first-day-first-show resulted in a huge disappointment for them as many of them were unable to score the tickets.

Baahubali: First Day First Show disappoint Fans
Baahubali: First Day First Show disappoint Fans

Going into the details, the tickets were sold out within half-an-hour after the multiplexes opened advance booking. The story was no different online.

Many of the moviegoers alleged that online movie ticket vendors were resorting to malpractices thus encouraging black market.

According to the reports, The tickets of Vishwanath Theater in Kukatpally, are being sold for whopping Rs 2000 in black market. Fortunately the black ticket sellers were taken into custody by the police.


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