Leonardo DiCaprio receives homemade Oscar from Russian fans

‘The Revenant’ actor  Leonardo DiCaprio receives homemade Oscar award from his Russian fans. Far Wast Russian fans have made a statue for DiCaprio which completely resemble the Oscar awards and is made from donated metals.

Almost 150 DiCaprio fans from the Yakutia region donated the 1.5 kilograms of silver and 4 grams of gold to make the statue for ‘The Revenant’ nominated in the best actor category.

Leonardo DiCaprio receives manmade Oscar from Russian fans

One fan, Anna Ivanova says, “Even if DiCaprio does not receive an Oscar, he will still be our favourite.”
DiCaprio, whose grandmother was Russian, is popular in the country, and he met with Vladimir Putin in 2010 to discuss tiger conservation.

The actor has earned his fifth Best Actor award nomination for his performance as Hugh Glass in ‘The Revenant’.
DiCaprio has accompished almost everything an actor can in Hollywood.He’s starred in blockbusters like “Titanic,” has worked with directors like Martin Scorsese, and played iconic roles like Jay Gatsby and Howard Hughes.