Hyderabad: Telangana Chief minister elect A Revanth Reddy invited the public to grace the oath taking ceremony of Congress government scheduled at LB Stadium on Thursday. Revanth Reddy wrote a letter to people of Telangana seeking blessings and their personal attendance at the oath taking ceremony. Revanth is likely to swear in as chief minister at 1.04 pm on Thursday.
Revanth Reddy in his letter thanked the people of Telangana for electing Congress. Revanth Reddy said that people of Telangana remembered Sonia Gandhi’s commitment to give Telangana. He sought the support of the public to transform Telangana into a proactive, corruption free state.
R3evanth said that welfare and development are two pillars for his government and asked each and every citizen to attend the oath taking ceremony. Meanwhile, officials are making intense arrangements for the swearing in ceremony at LB Stadium. Around 1 lakh party workers and followers of Revanth Reddy are likely to attend the program. Chief ministers of Congress ruled states, key leaders of Congress party and INDIA alliance are likely to attend the program.