This Woman Uses World War 1 Unexploded Bomb As Flower Vase

London: A 45-year-old woman from UK was left spellbound after discovering that her fabulous flower vase that she decorated long ago and used it for 30 years was an exploded bomb from the World War 1.
Kathryn Rawlins, a mother of two and a school careers adviser has found the shell when she was 15 years old in the fields of her school. Since then she used it as an ornament in for her favorite flower vase.
Rawlins realized about her flower vase until she saw a documentary featuring World War 1 bombs that had been dropped on nearby Coventry by German zeppelins and realized she may have been sitting feet away from a live explosive.

Kathryn Rawlins
Kathryn Rawlins, 45, with her ‘explosive’ vase | Pic Courtesy : Telegraph

“The police said the shell had the potential to have killed anybody within about 20 meters of it and could have taken the house down. It’s funny to think that I had it on my mantelpiece the entire time – it’s just become a part of my family now,” Kathryn said.

“I used to unscrew it and put the flowers out of the top,” says Rawlins. (Twitter @manayan04121)

“I have had the shell on the mantelpiece for three decades now and even took it to university. I used to stick plastic roses out of the top of it when I was dancing around to Madonna. Luckily my husband Chris just thought it was funny,” she was quoted as saying by The Mirror.

Ms Rawlins had called the police and experts were brought in to safely remove the explosive before the vase was handed back to her.

“I used to unscrew it and put the flowers out of the top. It’s really heavy to hold and has some writing that looks like it could be German around the top. I took it into school to show the kids – they loved it,” Ms Rawlins added.