In the wake of drawing fire for making public the email addresses of more than 1 million respondents on TRAI’s net neutrality and OTT regulatory system consultation paper, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) said it won’t show addresses if clients particularly state so in their counter remarks.
As the deadline is set to today, TRAI said on Thursday that “all stakeholders are hereby informed that during submission of their counter comments, if anyone desires that his/her email ID should not be displayed, it may be specifically stated so in the email.
TRAI further said that it received many e-mails from diverse stakeholders who also urged them to display their responses on TRAI’s website along with the other responses.
“Since many of the emails had only email ID as the header, for easy identification of the stakeholders comments, the comments were segregated date-wise along with their email IDs and uploaded,” Trai said.