Anjani Kumar, the Commissioner of Police (CP) of Hyderabad, on the 12th of July, took to Twitter and posted an image of a tampered number plate of a motorcycle.
With the image, CP Anjani Kumar said, “Help us book such criminals who tamper number plates to commit crimes. Inform petrol cars, Blue Colts or send pic (pictures) with time and place on WhatsApp at 9490616555. Some of these are chain/ cell snatchers. Even rowdies tamper the number plates. We are committed to register (a)case for it.”
In the past few days, many cases were reported of chain snatching and cell snatching amid lockdown.
The snatchers were hard to trace due to the tampered number plates.
In regard to this, the Hyderabad Police initiated this campaign to get a hold on these criminals.
In this month, till the 11th of July, the Hyderabad Traffic police registered a total of 4,065 cases of such tampered motorcycle number plates.
From January Till May, the police registered as many as 54,000 cases against individuals having no number plate or tampered number plate.
The special drive against improper number plates of all automobile vehicles was launched to control the increasing number of crimes like snatching chains and cells.
Stay tuned for further updates.