10 Simple Shocking Tips Which Will Make You Look Confident

To look attractive and adorable at your work place, it is not just having dozens of Branded clothes but also a glossy clear texture of the face. Clear skin with no pimples not just attracts others but makes you confidence to face it with a simple smile. For most of us pimple dominates and acts like a monster when we get it. They are red and ugly and can turn up infectious also. Blackheads looks nasty on the nose and face. It feels like that’s all anyone is staring at, and it can really hit your self-confidence. But getting rid of these isn’t that easy task as we may think or maybe it is!

Here are few simple steps to keep your face always glossy and feel confident.

1) Eat Healthy: Mothers always tell us that no amount of cosmetic products can benefit our skin as much as eating a healthy diet comprising of fresh fruits and vegetables can.
2) Apply tooth paste: While treating pimples you don’t always need to go and buy some specialized cosmetic product but your humble toothpaste can also be of a lot of use. Now while using toothpaste as a pimple treatment always choose a white toothpaste and not the gel or red, blue or green stripes ones.
3) Dont Smoke: Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow.
4)Eat Spicy: If you love to include chillies in your diet, you have another healthy reason to do so.
5) Tip to remove Blackheads: Masaj your face with lemon, water and salt. Yeah, it’s that easy.
6)Wash your face at regular time intervals: Washing face will always make you feel fresh.Washing your face is important to remove dirt, oils, germs, and dead cells.
7)Apply Ice Cube: Ice soothes the skin, particularly the affected area which can help your skin to become pimple-free.
8)Apply Honey: Honey masks are quite a common acne treatment. Applying honey on the face works both as a preventive method to look glossy. It is a natural antiseptic that soothes and heals the skin.
9)Use Baking Soda: Another wonder product which you already have in your kitchen and it can help you fight against pimples is baking soda.
10)Take A Chill Pill: You must not be knowing but let me tell you to just relax and pamper yourself. Stress makes your face tired and ugly.