Calculate your calorie burn after the Coitus

London: Advancement in the mathematics is now allowed a breakthrough  in the field of Sexual biology. As part of the latest development a UK based company recently introduced a latest sex calculator to calculate you sex burns.

Here is how it works, first of all it asks you and partner’s gender and weight and which position you’ve been in and for how long, it breaks down into awe-inspiring detail how many calories you’ve burnt and what other exercise you’d need to do to burn the equivalent.

Sex calculator is here: Calculate your calorie burn after the Coitus
Sex calculator is here: Calculate your calorie burn after the Coitus

The calculator is part of a service Superdrug is providing with their online doctor format – soon to be rolled out across their website for all and sundry to have a play with.

Swap the traditional post-coital cigarette for this snazzy calculator, and work out how much many calories you’ve burned.