Pakalu Papito, the Unofficial King Of Internet

Stop all the work you are doing right now, take a deep breath and look at this guy, Pakalu Papito. This man has been taking the internet by storm this year and his fan following keeps doubling with every single tweet. The unofficial king of social media has some incredible tweets in his portfolio, and we’ve collated his best ones.
Pakalu has been winning the internet for the past couple of years with his hilarious tweets and now hits the big number which other prominent celebrities failed to achieve and is currently standing with 850,000 twitter followers. But, what everyone bothers is who is he? Well, we have no idea. And to be honest we don’t care. But, we cannot stop talking about him, because he is the Hero the Internet deserves but not the one needed right now. So, if you are in for satirical humour, go hunt for him on the net.



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