Brussels attacks: Infosys employee, Raghavendran Ganeshan’s body arrives Chennai

Chennai: The belongings of the Infosys employee, Raghavendran Ganeshan who was killed in Brussels attack was bought to Chennai at around 3.30 pm on Tuesday.
Raghavendran Ganeshan planned to return to India in the last week of May. He wanted to settle with his wife Vaishali and two-month-old son Arjun in Pune. But life took his plans upside down. “It was a bracelet and a ring that he wore which helped the family identify [his body]. The DNA test was necessary because the body was blown to bits,” said Margaret, a neighbour.

Brussels attacks: Infosys employee, Raghavendran Ganeshan's body arrives Chennai

Ganeshan’s body was brought to Chennai on Tuesday and was received by inconsolable relatives, friends and neighbours.  The body was taken to a crematorium in Mahalakshmi Nagar. “He had visited the city just two months ago for the naming ceremony of his son, all hopeful to start a new life in Pune,” recollected one of his relatives.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier on Tuesday expressed his condolences to the family. “A young life, full of hope and promise cut short by mindless violence. Condolences to family of Raghavendran,” Prime Minister Modi tweeted.
Infosys in a condolence message to the media said, “Our thoughts and prayers are with Raghavendran’s family and with those who were injured or lost a loved one in these attacks.”