The Andhra Pradesh Government announced the division of posts in the district and divisional level offices and the provisional allocation of employees for new districts would begin from Ugadi, the 2nd of April.
The division of posts in the new Revenue Divisions and the allocation of employees were completed on a population basis. As per the State Finance Ministry, about 10,000 employees would be transferred to the new districts and divisions, along with provisional allocations. Provisional allocation of employees transferred to new districts, service seniority of officers as well as all other service aspects would remain the same.
Furthermore, the Finance Ministry has issued guidelines that the locality of employees transferred with provisional allocations to new districts and divisions will remain the same.
The Finance Ministry has decided to give a transfer traveling allowance to employees and officers who would be transferred to new districts and divisions in provisional allocations. However, it is to be noted, as of now all these transfers are only to serve as temporary provisions until the President’s orders on the new zonal system. The final notification for the formation of new districts and divisions is likely to be issued on the 31st of March.
The concerned departments would immediately issue orders transferring employees provisionally to the new districts and divisions.
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