How to Lose a Guy in 4 Ways

Men! They seem to be like the unfortunate apes that were stuck somewhere in the middle of evolution. A guy is a project gone wrong. Most of the times you see ‘man-children’ walking around you. They are boastful, insensitive and irrational, are they not?

Now for a second, flip your viewpoint and see through the other end of the peephole. Most probably for men, we might seem like high maintenance mares that can’t be pleased – even if they bring down the stars for us. Every argument has to have waterworks, and a meal can’t be finished without a hundred selfies. So is it possible that girls can in fact be sometimes more annoying than men? Food for thought….

Maybe there was a time when women were considered the pets of the house or tools to get jobs done, but with the advent of 21st century, women are zooming ahead. Not only in careers, efficiency and such but also in parameters of preposterousness. Don’t believe us? Then try out these simple everyday tricks in front of your boyfriend, fiancé or better half and see them cringe at your very presence.


dramam queen relationship how to lose a guy in 4 ways

Men hate drama. To the point that they will do anything to make it stop. You can easily turn any argument in your favour by turning on those tears or making a big deal out of nothing or issuing threats at even the slightest pinprick. Make sure you hold grudges from way past, even before you guys got together. Switch on the drama mode to make sure you get your way. But of course, that way will lead out of his heart.


suffocating sally how to lose a guy in 4 ways

Remember parrots in cages? Well, that is where men belong, don’t they? Just trying molding the man to your will, questioning his every move, alienating him from all the stupid things he likes just so he can follow you around like a puppy holding your shopping bags. Works like a charm to bid him a goodbye. Obviously him painting your nails while you grill him about everything under the sun, is the right choice rather than allowing his friends to come over and watch a cricket match. You are just making sure that those friends can’t smuggle him out of your ‘Death Star’.


selfie queen how to lose a guy in 4 ways

Need to him to get away from you fast? There is a scientific method for that you know. Just take selfies at the same rate which equals the speed at which you want him to run away. A click for every flick makes a man sick. Don’t expect any photobombs because you would be all there is standing at the end, alone. Well, at least the selfies will come out good. Won’t even have to fight about the filter you want to use! Who cares about long term trust and commitment! Filters over friendship!


mean girl how to lose a guy in 4 ways

This is the atom bomb of the armoury. Pull this out only if nothing else works. But this is a guaranteed gamble. Put down his every thought, control his every move and demean his every action. Don’t forget to remind him on a daily basis how badly he fares compared to other men. Desperate times call for desperate measures! So what if he loses his self-esteem and confidence, he would anyways not need them as he spirals down in life that you ruined.

So there you go! Just 4 of the many mean, annoying and perfectly idiotic things that girls do to lose an amazing guy. Men, sensible men, are in fact not that hard to please or live with. Just some delight instead of drama. Just some space instead of suffocation. Just some conversation instead of camera. And just some love instead of meanness. The next time you think that there are no good men around, just check and see if you are losing a guy in 4 or more ways!