Titanic composer James Horner died in a plane crash

Music titan James Horner died in a plane crash on Monday. He was 61. The accident occurred in a remote area 60 miles north of Santa Barbara. The crash had ignited a one-acre brush fire and no survivors were found at the crash site. It is yet-to-be known whether Horner was flying the plane as the pilot has not been identified. The accident is still under investigation.

James Horner
Titanic composer James Horner passes away

James Horner tugged the heartstrings with his soulful score for “Titanic”. He won two Oscars for best original dramatic score for Titanic and another one for best original song for “My Heart Will Go On”.

He also composed tunes to “Braveheart”, A Beautiful Mind”, Field of Dreams”, “House of Sand and Fog”, “An American Tail”, “Avtar”, among several others. He earned 10 Oscar nominations for best scores. Besides, Oscars he bagged many other prestigious projects.


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