President Trump Attacks Pakistan and North Korea at the UNGA

President Trump Attacks at UNGA,Trump Attacks Pakistan,United Nations General Assembly ,terror groups,rules of peace,issue of terrorism
Trump condemns any involvement of Russia in Presidential elections.

The 72nd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is in progress and U.S., President Donald Trump addressed the issue of terrorism and said it was time to hold the countries responsible for funding and providing safe havens to terror groups.

President Trump said the responsible countries must join forces to confront terrorists and “the Islamic extremist that inspires them.”

He further added, “We will stop radical Islamic terrorism, because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation and, indeed, to tear up the entire world.”

The President of America also refused to meet Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi during the UNGA. The POTUS claimed his schedule is packed and has no time to spare for his Pakistani counterpart.

The Pakistani leaders have not reacted well to this decision and termed it as degrading. The relationship between Pakistan and America has been deteriorating ever since Trump came into power.

Trump again hinted that Pakistan is responsible for funding Taliban but did not mention the country’s name in his speech. “It is time to expose and hold responsible those countries who support and finance terror groups like Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Taliban and the others that slaughter innocent people.”

Pakistan PM Abbasi will be meeting America’s Vice President Mike Pence and hopes to bring the deteriorating relations between the two countries to a halt.

In his maiden speech, Trump also threatened North Korea and said America would have to destroy the country if Kim Jong Un does not give up his arms and live according to the rules of peace.


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