Vijayawada: Former MLC Buddha Venkanna has announced his intention to file a complaint with the Election Commission (EC) against MP Kesineni Nani, alleging the submission of a false affidavit. Speaking to the media at the West TDP office in Mallikarjunapet, Vijayawada, Venkanna criticized Nani for allegedly omitting details of a case related to embezzlement of wages to workers of Kesineni Travels in his affidavit.
Venkanna highlighted Nani’s purported failure to disclose the case registered against him, implicating his involvement in the misappropriation of funds. He also cited Nani’s strained familial relationships as evidence of his questionable integrity. Comparing Nani’s affidavits from 2014 and 2024, Venkanna pointed out inconsistencies regarding debts owed, questioning Nani’s ethical standards.
In a scathing remark, Venkanna asserted that Nani lacks the moral authority to pass judgment on others. The planned complaint to the Election Commission underscores the escalating tensions and accusations surrounding political figures in Vidyadharapuram.
Vidyadharapuram, Buddha Venkanna, Kesineni Nani, Election Commission, affidavit, Vijayawada