11 year old Giraffe Dies at Tirupati Zoo

Tirupati Zoo,Tirupati Zoo 2017,Sri Venkateshwara National Zoo Park,Niranjan Reddy,Giraffe Dies at Tirupati Zoo,Giraffe Died In Tirupati Zoo

An 11 year old giraffe at the Sri Venkateshwara National Zoo Park in Tirupati died after getting strangled to death by a rope hanging from a tree in its enclosure.

On Saturday night, the giraffe suffered from strangulation and died and his body was found the next day morning by the caretaker.

The rope was tied to the tree with leaves for the giraffe to practice reaching for its food from a height.

The giraffe was named Subush and was the only giraffe in at the park.

Assistant Engineer at the National Zoo Park, Niranjan Reddy said, “It was a healthy and fit giraffe. The accident was so sudden that had trouble believing it at first.”

He further added, “He was the only one he had. The barrack seems empty and quiet without Subush.”

Once the caretakers found the giraffes body they took it for a post-mortem where it was revealed the giraffe died of a heart attack.

Reddy said, “The heart attack was a result of suffocation and additional panic as there was no around to help.”

Niranjan Reddy insisted throughout his interview with a news channel that the incident was not foreseen and the security at the enclosure is near perfect. Reddy was questioned why the rope was hanging on the tree to which he responded that only the curator, Srinivas Reddy would be able to answer that question. News reporters made multiple attempts but were unable to get in touch with the curator.

The incident has called for a lot of speculations and one veterinarian said that since the giraffe was the only big animal at the enclosure and was lonely.

Niranjan Reddy also reported that the giraffe was buried and said, “I’m not too sure as we will have to get another giraffe from South Africa, and the proposal will need to be routed from top officials.”