With an aim to boost Hyderabad as the Super Smart City, the Telangana government is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that the city is equipped with all advanced technologies. Lately, Google agreed to build its second largest campus in the World at Hyderabad with an approximate investment of Rs.1000 crore. Now, in yet another news involving Google, Hyderabad becomes the first city to offer Google Street View in India.
An official announcement came from Telangana’s IT Minister K T Rama Rao after he met Manik Gupta, Director of Product Management and Narayana Tummala, Ground Truth Engineering Lead for Google on Tuesday.
Though the concept of Street View is very familiar in western countries, it has never been implemented full fledged in India yet. So far, Google Street View is enabled for tourist sites like Taj Mahal and Qutub Minar in association with Archaeological Society of India.
“Google is in talks with the Minister of Home Affairs to get permissions for conducting the Street View exercise at a city-wide level. This permission is expected to be given shortly.”
“Upon the request made by the Minister, Google has agreed to make Telangana the first state which will get Street View for one complete city, namely, Hyderabad to begin with, with subsequent extension to other major cities and towns,” Minister K T Rama Rao said in a statement issued in Hyderabad.