‘Psychic Robot’ Can Read Human Mind

Bio-engineers have come up with an another robot, titled “psychic robot” which can see what human intend to do even if they don’t do it.
The algorithm could eventually power the cars and prosthetic’s of the future by letting them to understand what their owners are trying to do with them, even if they stop the work process halfway.

Robot Feelings
Representational Image

Lead author of the new study Justin Horowitz said, he has successfully tested the invention, which uses a mathematical algorithm to understand intent and not a actual movement, so that it doesn’t matter if someone stops doing something midway.

“We call it a psychic robot,” Horowitz said in a statement. “If you know how someone is moving and what the disturbance is, you can tell the underlying intent, which means we could use this algorithm to design machines that could correct the course of a swerving car or help a stroke patient with spasticity.”

This invention allows robots to understand the humans by replicating the way that we respond to events in the real world.  “Say you’re reaching for a piece of paper and your hand is bumped mid-reach your eyes take time to adjust; your nerves take time to process what has happened; your brain takes time to process what has happened and even more time to get a new signal to your hand,” Justin Horowitz, who wrote the study, said in a statement.


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