India’s first Lesbian Advertisement arrives in Style: Everyone one of us have our share of Adverts for a lifetime. Do you remember the ‘Zoo Zoo’ Ads? How can you not, they were so good that even Indian cricket fans used to wait for the Ads to roll in middle of the Match.
It Might be Sachin’s ‘Secret of Energy’ or Aamir Khan split personality in TATA Sky Ad. We watched, We wished, We wondered, and We watched them again and again.

But there was once a time, where the Ads were so stupid, for which we laughed our wits out. But as the time moved, the Ads became more thoughtful, more inspirational. We even watch the Durex Condom Ads boldly in our living room now.
Some Ads are good, some are stupid, some make us laugh, some make us feel and some make us think. But more importantly Ads bring us closer to new concepts of life and what it has offer.
Once such attempt was made again. This time it is Gay-centrict. Yes you heard it right! It’s time to grow up and leave aside the petty ideologies and preconceptions.
When we say Lesbian, you might think of Naked bodies of women. But that’s not the case here, the way the Advert goes it is anything but. Indian Ads were never more sensible or thoughtful.