Karnataka has its own Parle-G Girl, an 18 year old Ramawaa who has eaten nothing but Parle-G all

her life. She was never breastfed by her mother and hence the first food she tasted was Parle-G

biscuits mixed with cow milk. Six to seven packets of Parle-G is Ramawwa’s daily food intake and she

refuses to eat anything else apart from it.

Ramawwa’s twin brother who was given the same mixture later started eating other types of food.

Her parents in Talakatnal are agriculture workers, and due to their financial status they cannot

afford to get Ramawwa treated. She also expressed her fear about what she would eat if the brand

stops production.

At the Lake view Hospital, the doctors have tried to convince Ramawwa to try different types of food

or try a different brand of biscuits but all efforts went in vain when she refused to give anything a

try. Ramawwa fears that no other food will do justice to her body and will in turn harm her. Experts

suggest that counselling her will help in treating her fear that normal food will do her harm.


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