PM Modi Declares 14th August As Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

#PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay, 1947 partition of India, 75th Independence Day, August 14 to be Observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance, history of partition of India, Mango News, Modi says August 14 will be observed as Partition Horrors, Pakistani Independence Day, Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, partition of India, Partition’s pains can never be forgotten, PM Modi Declares 14th August As Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, PM Of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi

On the 14th of August, which is also the Pakistani Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared the day to be observed as ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.’

As per the history of partition of India, on the 14th of August 1947, India and Pakistan were divided into two different nations. During the 1947 partition of India, lakhs of people lost their lives, women were assaulted, people had to leave their homes and properties overnight and many more violence incidents were reported.

Today, Prime Minister Mr. Modi acknowledged the pain undergone by Indians due to the partition of India and decided to remember the day. He said, from now onwards, the 14th of August would be remembered as the Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.

Mr. Narendra Modi made the announcement through his official Twitter handle. The tweet posted by the PM of India read, “Partition’s pains can never be forgotten. Millions of our sisters and brothers were displaced and many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence. In memory of the struggles and sacrifices of our people, 14th August will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day”.

In another tweet, Mr. Narendra Modi said, “May the #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay keep reminding us of the need to remove the poison of social divisions, disharmony and further strengthen the spirit of oneness, social harmony and human empowerment.”

The attempt of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to remember the tragedy of the divided nations was praised by many Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders. Union ministers like Harshdeep Singh Puri, Amit Shah and others took to Twitter and reposted the same, remembering the loss of people due to the partition between India and Pakistan.

The major announcement regarding the partition of India horror day remembrance, came on the eve of the 75th Independence Day. On the 15th of August, India would celebrate 75 years of Independence.

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