On Thursday, the Delhi Police Special Cell arrested Group Captain Arun Marwah for allegedly leaking classified Indian Air Force (IAF) information. Marwah is being accused of leaking the information to Pakistan’s intelligence agency called Inter Services Intelligence (ISI.)
The arrest of the 51 year old Captain was confirmed by Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Pramod Khushwah. A senior IAF official places the complaint against Marwah and an FIR was filed under Section 3 and 5 of the Officials Secrets Act.
According to the complaint, Marwah clicked pictures of documents with the combat exercises at the IAF Headquarters and sent them via Whatsapp. Senior Officials at the IAF were suspicious of Marwah due to his behavior and was detained on the 31st of January for investigation.
The IAF found Marwah was honey trapped by the ISI through Facebook. The ISI operatives impersonated beautiful girls and lured Marwah into a conversation. They went on to persuade Marwah to share confidential information. The accused has been sent to police custody for five days. Marwah’s phone was confiscated and sent for a forensic examination. According to sources Marwah admitted to feeding classified information to the Pakistan operatives.