The Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad’s behavior shocked the whole nation including his wife. His wife, Usha, Speaking to the Mirror said that this was the first time he lost his cool and showed his ‘violent side’.
She said, “I had never imagined my husband would be hitting somebody like he did in Delhi. For the first time, his violent side has been seen and that was mostly because of the rude behavior by the airline staffers.” She added that “My husband has a fairly long experience in politics. He was an MLA for two terms and is now representing the Osmanabad constituency in the Lok Sabha. Teaching was his profession and he has been extremely popular in Osmanabad because of his friendly behavior. Anyone who knows him personally would have not even imagined that he would be doing something like this,”
Gaikwad represents the Osmanabad Lok Sabha constituency and lost the elections recently. He visited Pune with his wife and son a few days back and the family decided to stay back while he traveled to Delhi on Thursday.
She also claimed that her husband doesn’t get angry at all and added, “Never in my life had I seen anger get the better of him. I called up him up after the incident around midnight and he said the Air India staffers were rude to him even when they knew that he was an MP.”
When she was reminded that nobody should initiate such goondaism under any circumstances, she said, “My husband wanted to do was register a complaint against Air India’s poor service. But, instead of taking down his complaint, they kept on arguing. Finally, when they used the name of our prime minister disrespectfully, he lost his cool and hit the staffer.”
This is not the first time that Gaikwad got into controversy. Last year during the Ramzan season, he was caught on tape forcing a fasting man to eat by stuffing his mouth with food. The issue went unaddressed as the man did not register a formal complaint against Gaikwad. Because his life was threatened if he were to do so. This is second instance wherein there is video proof, but the Shiv Sena party has not initiated any action and let him off with a warning to ‘watch his behavior.’