SSC Students Unable To Sit For Exams In June Allowed For Supplementary Exams

The Telangana Government, on the 6th of June, submitted a detail report of the arrangements made for the Secondary School of Certificate (SSC) examinations.

The Telangana Education Department, is scheduled to conduct the pending SSC examination after the 8th of June in Telangana.

However, as per the guidelines of the Telangana High Court, the exams would be conducted maintaining social distancing, gap of two days in between and other physical distancing.

In addition, a major decision taken by the Telangana Government regarding the SSC exam is, students would be able to give exams again in August and September.  The Telangana Government said, students who could not attend the exams from the 8th of June, would be eligible for advanced supplementary examinations.

The decision to do so came after the Telangana High Court approved the conduct of the SSC examination on a condition of another chance for students, who could not attend the exams now. Confirming it, the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education said that the students who are unable to appear for the exams scheduled from the 8th of June to the 5th of July would be allowed in later stage, August or September.

The board also clarified that such students will be considered as regular candidates and is applicable for only this academic year.

Stay  tuned for further updates.