Telangana Govt Achieves Milestone, Vaccinates 100 % Population With First COVID-19 Vaccine Dose

Telangana Govt Achieves Milestone, Vaccinates 100 % Population With First COVID-19 Vaccine Dose,Mango News,COVID-19 Vaccine Updates,COVID-19 Vaccine,Telangana Completes Administering 1st COVID Vaccine Dose To All Eligible Citizens,Leading Covid fight: Telangana 1st large state to achieve 100% first-dose vaccination,Telangana inoculates 100% of its population with first COVID-19 Vaccine Dose, Telangana,Telangana Government,COVID-19 vaccination in Telangana,Coronavirus Omicron LIVE Updates,100% Covid Vaccine First Doses Administered In Telangana State

Telangana achieved the target of 100% first dose vaccination by vaccinating all the eligible people against the Wuhan virus.

Mr. T. Harish Rao, the Health Minister of Telangana, on the 28th of December, Tuesday, announced that in Telangana, every eligible person has taken their first dose. During a press conference, Mr. T. Harish Rao said, Telangana is the first among states with a large population to give the first dose of the vaccine to all eligible beneficiaries among the targeted population. In addition, 66.1% of the population of Telangana are fully vaccinated against the deadly Wuhan virus (COVID-19.)

He further said, only states with smaller populations or Union Territories had achieved this milestone. With this, the national average in vaccination of dose is 90%.

According to sources, the Telangana Health department vaccinated 87,039 individuals, reaching the target of 2.77 crore, the entire eligible population of Telangana.

On this occasion, the Telangana Government officials celebrated and cut a cake.

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