The Telangana High Court (HC) gets seven new judges today, the 14th of October. On Thursday, seven judges including four women were elevated as the Telangana High Court (HC) judges.
According to sources, on the 13th of October, Wednesday, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, the President of India, approved the appointment of seven HC judges. The judges appointed are: Senior district judges Ms. P. Sree Sudha, Ms. C. Sumalatha, Ms. G. Radha Rani, Mr. M. Laxman, Mr. N. Tukaramji, Mr. A. Venkateshwara Reddy, and Ms. P. Madhavi Devi have been elevated as judges of the High Court.
It is to be noted, Ms. Madhavi Devi is the Judicial member and member of Income Tax department appellate tribunal authority. With the new appointments, the strength of the Telangana HC judges would increase to 17. However, as per the Bar Association, 25 vacancies for the Telangana HC judges are still to be filled.
All the newly appointed Telangana High Court judges would take the oath as the HC judges after the Dussehra holiday (the 15th of October.)
Mr. Satish Chandra Sharma, the Chief Justice of Telangana, is going to administer the oath of office to the newly appointed HC judges.
Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan, the Governor of Telangana, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana and other HC judges would be present during the oath taking ceremony.
The final date of the oath taking ceremony is expected to be announced soon.
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