In Telangana’s Suryapet region, a heart wrenching incident occurred, when a nine year old girl died after a car driver rolled up the window on her neck.
The incident occurred at Bojja Gudem village on the 22nd of May, Monday during a wedding ceremony. Although the incident occurred on Monday, it came to light on the 23rd of May, Tuesday.
The police who confirmed the incident said, an eyewitness said Banoth Indraja, had her neck outside the car as she was singing and dancing in the rear seat along with the bride and bridegroom. However, the driver rolled the window up without noticing this, resulting in the death of the nine year old minor.
On a complaint by the girl’s father Banoth Venkateshwarlu, police have registered a case against the car driver Shekhar. The police charged Shekhar under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and launched an investigation into the matter.
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