In Telangana, a rag picker was killed amid a tiff over Rs.900. The incident occurred on the night of the 18th of January, Wednesday.
According to sources, the rag picker identified as Shiva (40,) a resident of Noorinagar Bandlaguda. Shiva gave a loan of Rs. 900 to Raju and his wife and when he asked his money, they refused to return the money.
On Wednesday night, prime suspects Raju and his wife Sujatha were at an open bar, consuming alcohol. When Shiva arrived there and asked for the money, they got into a quarrel, leading to the murder of Shiva.
Mr. Prasad Varma, the Chandrayangutta Inspector said, “During the quarrel, Raju attacked Shiva with a boulder on his head resulting in his death.”
Moreover, On receiving the information the police reached the spot and shifted the body to OGH mortuary. Furthermore, a case has also been registered in this regard and an investigation into the matter is underway.
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