Hugh Jackman and Jim Carrey Impersonate each other’s most famous movie roles

How would it be if twitter collides with the famous Dumsmash app. Here is the small glimpse for all who have ever wondered about this. Here is an hilarious incident where Dumsmash app is dominated over Twitter.

Hugh Jackman and Jim Carrey are impersonating each other on social media.
Hugh Jackman and Jim Carrey Impersonate each other’s most famous movie roles

Actors Hugh Jackman and Jim Carrey attracted a huge number of fans by posting each others Dumsmash’s at the popular characters that they played.

This was first stated by Jackman. He tweeted a video by imitating Carrey’s iconic role in Mask. Carrey responded to his friends post by mimicing “in-house” cosplay of Jackman’s Wolverine, complete with utensils as claws and crazy hair.



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