With the results of the Lok Sabha elections all set to be declared on the 23rd of May, PM Narendra Modi is confident the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is going to come to power once again.
So confident is the Prime Minister of victory, he asked 3 bodies, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO,) the NITI Aayog and the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA,) to start preparing an agenda for the first 100 days of the new Government.
With a major focus on increasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to a double digit number (the current GDP is 8.2 %,) the new plan Modi wants in place is directed toward the growth of the Country.
Nirpendra Misra the head of the PMO, Dr. Rajiv Kumar the Vice Chairman of the NITI Aayog and Professor K. Vijayraghavan the Principal Secretary Adviser (PSA,) were given the task of chalking out the plan. The first 100 days of the BJP rule are going to focus on a growth plan which is the size of the Swachh Bharat Campaign from the last term.
“The focus is on freeing the key sectors — oil and gas, minerals, infrastructure and education — of red tape so that the foundation for India becoming a developed country in 2047 is laid in the coming 100 days. We believe that by removing red tape in core sectors we can easily boost the GDP growth by 2.5%,” an official close to the project was quoted saying.
Sticking to the plans outlined by the BJP manifesto, the agenda for the first 100 days includes an increased focus on high growth sectors like coal, mining, power and energy. Apart from these sectors, the plan will also focus on education and areas which create jobs.
With the results being declared soon, this display of confidence seems to indicate a strong return of the BJP.
Stay tuned for updates.