Hyderabad: Telangana Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) MLAs had decided not to attend the assembly session on Saturday against the appointment of Akbaruddin Owaisi as the pro-tem speaker. Controversial BJP leader and Goshamahal MLA Raja Singh on Friday announced that BJP will not attend the oath taking of MLAs in protest to the government’s decision on pro-tem speaker.
Raja Singh released a video in which he questioned the government on appointing Akbaruddin as pro-tem speaker. “There are many senior MLAs in the house. What is the need in electing Akbaruddin as pro-tem speaker? We oppose this and decided not to attend the session tomorrow. SImilar thing happened in 2018. We boycott the session on Saturday,” Raja Singh said.
Meanwhile, authorities are making intense arrangements for the wearing of MLAs and election of speaker at assembly. Governor Tamilisai Soundara Rajan to attend the session.