Nobel Prize 2021 For Literature Announced Today, Tanzanian Writer Abdulrazak Gurnah Wins Prize

Nobel Prize 2021 For Literature Announced Today, Tanzanian Writer Abdulrazak Gurnah Wins Prize, Mango News, Latest Breaking News 2021, Nobel Prize 2021, Nobel Prize 2021 For Literature, Tanzanian Writer Abdulrazak Gurnah, Nobel Prize for Literature 2021, Nobel Prize winners 2021, nobel prize 2021 chemistry, nobel prize 2021 medicine Novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah

On the 7th of October, the Nobel Prize 2021 xoe literature was announced.

Mr. Abdulrazak Gurnah, a Tanzanian writer has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 2021. He has been given an award for his writing of ‘uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents.

The winners of the prestigious award would get a gold medal and 10 million Swedish kronor (over $1.14 million.)

With this, so far, the Nobel Prize winners for Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Literature were announced.

Two American scientists, Mr. David Julius and Mr. Ardem Patapoutian are announced as the 2021 Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine.

The Nobel Prize for physics has been awarded to scientists from Japan, Germany and Italy.

The Nobel Prize for Chemistry was announced to Mr. Benjamin List and Mr. David W.C. MacMillan.

Now, the Nobel Prize 2021 for Peace and Economics are yet to be announced.

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