Google To Shutdown Google+ Photos From August 1st


Google has confirmed that it will shut down its integrated photo collection app Google+ Photos with effect from August 1st, paving way for a dedicated photo app named Google Photos.

Google will reportedly shut the service first on Android OS followed by other platforms including iOS and web. However, Google+ Photos already has been prompting its users to download the latest version of Google Photos within the app.

Google affirms that those who fail to switch to the new app before August 1st  need not worry, as all of their photos and videos will be available to them using Google Takeout.

An official post from Google+ read ” In May, we launched Google Photos as the home for all your photos and videos. With Google Photos you can store unlimited high quality photos and videos for free, find photos fast, and see them organized by what matters to you. Plus, you can bring moments to life and share anywhere with anyone.”