Encrypted messaging platform Telegram is set to roll out a new pay to view feature for iOS users.
According to sources, this new feature is being tested, which uses its own payment system on iOS, instead of Apple’s in app purchases. The feature allows users to charge others to view certain messages or posts shared by them, said a report.
In addition, a few Telegram channels have already received access to this new pay to view post feature, but an official rollout and an announcement is awaited. Once the test for this feature is done, Telegram is likely to announce the new feature officially.
The iOS app for Telegram offers paid posts, but even there, the app does not use the in app purchase system from the App Store and has its own payment system. If sources are to be believed, Apple is not aware of this new feature, especially skirting out the Apple App purchase, by having its own payment mode.
Notably, this is not the first time Telegram has violated the rules Apple has set. In August, Mr. Pavel Durov, Telegram’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) claimed that Apple delayed an update, which would have “revolutionize how people expressed themselves in messaging.” The update was held up over iOS inspired animated emoji. Apple allowed the update after developers removed the animated emoji based on Apple’s designs.
Meanwhile, if rollout after a successful test, Telegram users on iOS would be able to have this pay to view post feature soon.
Stay tuned for further updates.
Mango News Link
Telegram: https://t.me/mangonewsofficial
Google Play Store: https://bit.ly/2R4cbgN
Apple / iOS Store: https://apple.co/2xEYFJ